
Humble 8 of 14: Crusading Kings

Humble 8 of 14: Crusading Kings

It’s been a busy week for the Humble Bundle and their followers, with some good deals and others that didn’t really pique my interest. Unfortunately, there has been more of the latter than the former, and with limited time I decided not to bite on many of the offerings. Today’s bundle is in that category as well, as it’s a bundle offering both Crusader Kings games along with all 21 DLC packs, but don’t let that deter you, as the games have received some decent reviews — particulary the second title in the series. Here’s the customary links (and sorry for getting this up late, but the past couple of days have been a bit busy for me):

  • Crusader Kings Complete (73%, 09/2004): a strategy game using the Europa Universalis engine focusing on the medieval ages (1066-1453 AD).
  • Crusader Kings II (82%, 02/2012): Considered one of the best “grand strategy” games from Paradox, attempt to conquer Europe and the Holy Land; requires $8 or higher donation
  • Crusader Kings II DLC (N/A): 21 DLC packs for the second game in the series should keep you occupied for some time; $20 or higher donation
  • Besides the games, you also get an eBook, A Fall of Kings, set in the Crusader Kings II world.

The bundle has about 12 hours remaining, so if you’ve thought about buying the Crusader Kings games in the past but haven’t gotten around to it, now’s the time to act. The second game has a regular price of $40, so $20 for the entire bundle with all the DLC is still a good value, and the packs add the ability to play as numerous other countries/rulers.

Humble Day 7 of 14 Plus Gaming Bundle Roundup

Humble Day 7 of 14 Plus Gaming Bundle Roundup

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Humble Daily #6: Hammerwatch

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